
GISWatch 2017 and 2016

Global Information Society Watch (GISWatch) is a space for collaborative monitoring of implementation of international (and national) commitments made by governments towards the creation of an inclusive information society.

It focuses on monitoring progress made towards implementing the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) action agenda and other international and national commitments related to information and communications. It also provides analytical overviews of institutions involved in implementation. GISWatch aims to make governments and international organisations accountable for meeting the commitments they make through contributing to building a strong and sustainable global civil society policy advocacy network.

We’re publishing some of editions and write-ups that are specific to gender and sexuality from GISWatch here.

GISWatch 2017 Special Issue: Unshackling expression – A study on laws criminalising expression online in Asia

GISWatch 2016 – Armenia: The battle against the Kremlin’s online homophobic propaganda

GISWatch 2016 Russia – Gender-based violence and the realisation of socio-economic rights

GISWatch 2016 – The use of the internet to advance sexual and reproductive health in Uganda



GISWatch 2016 – Economic, Social and Cultural rights (ESCRs) and the internet